Quotation Request

Courier Liability

Client Details
Goods Carried
*Hidden* Calculations

Client Details

Insured Name
Trading Name
Company Name
Correspondence Address
Client Email
Password format:

* 8 Characters
* 1 Capital Letter
* 1 Number
* 1 Special Character

Special Characters:
You will need to create a password after submission of this quote in order to retrieve it at a later date. Please create a password using at least:
* 8 Characters
* 1 Capital Letter
* 1 Number
* 1 Special Character

Promotional Code


Have you, any partner, principal, director of the business, or any other business in which you have been trading:-
Been disqualified under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 or any other subsequent legislation or The Insolvent Companies (Reports of Conduct of Directors) (Scotland) Rules 1996
Was the disqualification over 10 years ago?
Please provide details:
Been convicted of or charged with but not tried for a criminal offence other than a motoring offence
Please provide details:
Been declared bankrupt or insolvent or been the subject of bankruptcy proceedings either as a private individual or in connection with any business
Were proceedings concluded over 5 years ago and the outstanding debt less than £50,000?
Please provide details:
Been proscecuted under the Health and Safety at Work Act or similar legislation or had any disciplinary proceedings or investigation brought by any Regulatory Body or been requested to attend and enquiry or tribunal
Were proceedings concluded over 5 years ago and any fines/penaltiesimposed less than £25,000?
Please provide details:
Been the subject of a county court judgement in respect of debt either as a private individual or in connection with any business
Please provide details:
Had an insurance contract cancelled or declared void or a claim repudiated or renewal refused
Please provide details:
Please advise
You, any partner, principal, director of the business is domiciled in the United Kingdom and/or the Isle of Man and/or the Channel Islands?
Please provide details:
The business does not derive more than 50% of its turnover from activities outside of The United Kingdom and/or the Isle of Man and/or the Channel Islands?
Please provide details:
You comply with workplace, product safety and environmental legislation?
Please provide details:
You have not been prosecuted under any workplace, product safety and environmental legislation during the last five years?
Please provide details:
You, confirm the business or activities of the business does not involve any work carried out at or in connection with:
Any work of the business in any territory other than the EEA and no more than 50% of the annual turnover or activities are outside of the United Kingdom
Please provide details:
High risk premises such as power stations, gas works, chemical works, oil refineries, nuclear installations or nuclear establishments other than collection and delivery only to non-process/clerical areas of such locations
Please provide details:
Work on or around offshore installations
Please provide details:
The carriage of Hazardous goods classified as 1 and 7 as defined by the ADR regulations www.hse.gov.uk/cdg/manual/classification
Please provide details:
You do not use or operate of any lifting plant or apparatus other than Vehicle tail lifts or Fork Lift Trucks
Please provide details:
You do not use or operate any vehicle in excess of 7.5T M.A.M. (Maximum Authorised Mass)
Please provide details:
You do not undertake or operate any skip hire or Waste transfer activities
Please provide details:
You do not have any responsibility for or own any toxic waste or landfill sites
Please provide details:
You are not involved in the installation of any goods / products
Please provide details:
You have had no Public, Products or Employers Liability claims or incidents which could give rise to a claim in the past five (5) years
Please provide details:
You are not involved in the delivery of any convenience and/or takeaway foods and /or beverages from any restaurant, public house and/or food outlet for home delivery
Please provide details:
You confirm that you do not operate any bicycles and/or motorcycles
Please provide details:

Goods Carried

I confirm that we do not carry any toxic, notifiable or dangerous waste &/or clinical waste as defined in the Hazardous Waste (England & Wales) Regulations 2005, The Hazardous Waste (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2005 and The Special Waste Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2004
Please provide details:
I confirm that we do not wittingly carry Hazardous goods classified under Sections 1 and 7 under the ADR guidelines / regulations (https://www.hse.gov.uk/cdg/manual/classification.htm) and do not carry other ADR classed goods outside of guidelines
Please provide details:
I confirm that we do not wittingly carry full loads of:
1. Bottled perfumes, bottled alcoholic spirits, Processed tobacco and tobacco products
2. Computer memory, CPUs, storage devices, display devices (monitors), graphic cards, motherboards or any similar hi-tech item components; or mobile phones, portable computing devices (tablets, laptops and similar), computers or videogame hardware, peripherals or software
3. Fine art, watches and articles made of or containing precious metals and/or precious stones
4. Any household, office or other similar removals
Please provide details:
I confirm that the following goods are excluded under our conditions of carriage:
1. Living Creatures
2. Money, including cash, bank and currency notes, bullion, any securities for money, negotiable instruments, savings stamps, money orders or any other instrument representing money
3. Precious metals or precious stones
Please provide details:
I confirm that cover is not required for Climate Controlled goods
What is the percentage of turnover relating to temp controlled carriage?


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Number of vehicles on this policy
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Vehicle 1 Limit
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Vehicle 2 Limit
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Vehicle 3 Limit
This field is auto populated via rating file.
Vehicle 4 Limit
This field is auto populated via rating file.
Vehicle 5 Limit
This field is auto populated via rating file.
Total Vehicle Limit
This field is auto populated via rating file.
Vehicle 1 Limit Charge
This field is auto populated via rating file.
This field is auto populated via rating file.
Vehicle 3 Limit Charge
This field is auto populated via rating file.
Vehicle 4 Limit Charge
This field is auto populated via rating file.
Vehicle 5 Limit Charge
This field is auto populated via rating file.
This field is auto populated via rating file.
Total Vehicle Limit 100K
This field is auto populated via rating file.
Total Vehicle Limit 100K Charge
This field is auto populated via rating file.
Vehicle 1 Turnover Percentage
This field is auto populated via rating file.
Vehicle 2 Turnover Percentage
This field is auto populated via rating file.
Vehicle 3 Turnover Percentage
This field is auto populated via rating file.
Vehicle 4 Turnover Percentage
This field is auto populated via rating file.
Vehicle 5 Turnover Percentage
This field is auto populated via rating file.
Total Turnover Percentage
This field is auto populated via rating file.


Is cover required for subcontractors?
Do payments to subcontractors exceed 30% of your estimated annual turnover?
Please provide details:


Is Public and Products Liability cover required?
Is Employers Liability cover required?
Number of Clerical Employees
Number of Manual Employees
ERN Exempt?
Are you able to supply the ERN now?
ERN Details will need to be supplied within 14 days
ERN Details
Annual UK Turnover
Annual Europe Turnover
Annual payments to bona-fide subcontractors
Number of Vehicles


Have you had any claims for Freight Operators Liability Insurance (Goods in Transit) in the past 3 years exceeding £2,500 or more than two claims during this period?
Please provide details:

*Hidden* Calculations



PL Limit of Indemnity
Annual UK Turnover
Annual Europe Turnover
Annual BFSC Payments
EL Limit of Indemnity
Courier Policy Fee
Liabilities Policy Fee

MTAs & Cancellations

Record Type Status